tisdag 9 februari 2010

Once Upon a time, chapter 2, Clash

Once upon a time
Chapter 2
I woke up because my little sister Sadie was forcing my eyelids open with her finger and screaming:
I mumbled, pushed her away and turned around.
Then she sat on me. At first I ignored it .. Until I discovered that she was butt naked.
"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed and held her at arm's length.
"You sister: You baddy!" She accused me and pointed at me with his little finger.
I sat her down on the floor and looked quickly at the time.
7:30 AM ... I yawned and .. 7:30? ..... 7:30 !!!!!!!!
I shrieked and began running around the room. Why? Why? Why didn't i unpack last night!? I desperately began throwing clothes onto the floor trying to find something nice. Sadie obviously thought that all this swearing and me throwing my clothes around was pretty entertaining so I threw a sweater at her ... Which I quickly regretted since she decided to sitt on it.
After 5 minutes, I gave up and pulled on whatever I could find. I looked quickly in the mirror and looked at the clock .. 7:35 ... Ok ... 5min for makeup and hair may be enough, then I run like hell!
I put up my hair in a bun and covered some spots, there was no time for mascara.
I ran down the stairs and out the door before my parents had time to react. They always had so many questions.
Ok. Now I had 20min to get to school in Forks.
I started running and looked down at my watch every now and then. Suddenly, I ran into something warm.
"Crap!" I whispered. I looked up to a big, athletic guy. He didn't even look down.
He looked a bit scared. But he didn't look down. He had short black hair and just a pair of cut off jeans on.
He mumbled sorry and ran into the woods.
"Rude jerk" I said and continued to run. When I arrived at the parking lot no one was there and the time was 8:05.
First day. Late. Lovely.
I ran into the reception where I got a schedule.
First lesson .... Hmmm ..... History .... Classroom ..... 36A!
Only three staircases left! W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L

Leah kissed Josh and the priest declared them man and wife.
I was so happy for her sake, this was what she always wanted and now she had it.
I stood up with my mom and the guests. I could feel my eyes blurring but I bit my lip hard and swallowed down the tears.
The after-party was too short, I wanted more time with Leah. Thank her for that even if she had been a real bitch, she had always been there.
When Sam and Emily had said a tearful goodbye, I sneaked up and hugged her.
"Are you gonna leave the dogs now?" I whispered with a smile.
She laughed and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"We'll see when I get home."
I gave Josh a pat on the back, but when they all waved them off, I went over to the table and angrily wiped a tear away.
Jacob thumped me in the back and laughed.
"Not easy to be an only child for a while now, huh?" He laughed. Nessie sat on his shoulders and giggled.
Jacob put her down on the ground and I knelt down on my knees so that we were on the same level.
"Have you eaten any cake?" I whispered. She was three years old now, but she looked like an eight year old.
She shook her head and put her hand on my cheek.
"You! Watch it!!" "I said and smiled at her.
Sam and Emily came over to us. Sam was held 2 year old Joshua in his hand and, pregnant Emily was holding Joshua's twin sister Louise.
It felt nice that the relationship between Sam and Jake had become stronger again.
"I think I'll have a run" "I said and smiled.
"Sure!" Jacob said as he tried to get away from Nessie's grasp around his leg.
I went round to the back of the house and pulled my shirt off. Then I ran into the woods.
The next morning Jacobs howling woke me.
"Noooooooooooooooo....." I grumbled. But Jacob howled again, and again and again.
I realized that something was wrong so I jumped out of bed and ran out of the house, and through the garden.
My exhaustion was blown away. And I hardly noticed that I charged straight into someone. A girl.
I mumbled sorry and ran into the woods.
Seth is in the rooooooom!
No response.
Jacob? Jacobo?
No response.
YES!? What?
Uhm .. Why you shouting at me?
Take a run by the road ... Something is wrong .. But I don't really know what ...
Jacob sounded thoughtfull.
Oui oui monseuir!
I ran by the road between La Push and Forks.
Nothing here!
Jacob grunted in reply.
But ... I peered through the trees. A girl, running. Oh right! She was the girl that I ran into.
Perhaps I should say sorry properly...
Yes, I should..
Dammit ... I don't have any clothes...
But .. Still .. She might need help ... With ... Something ..
I ran beside her in the woods while she ran on the sidewalk.
She looked around quickly and for half a second, our eyes met.
Seth came back here!
Come on!
But I-I-she!!
Let me tell you!
... Urghh!
I turned around and ran back.
I have to see her again. I just have to.

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